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Review the Reviews

Touchstone magazine has archived a number of my book reviews, some related to the Fathers, some not. (Just search on “Aquilina.” I’m the only Aquilina in the database.) There’s…

my review of Fr. Mark Gruber’s Journey Back to Eden: My Life and Times Among the Desert Fathers;

my review of J.A. McGuckin’s St. Cyril of Alexandria: The Christological Controversy: Its History, Theology, and Texts;

my review of Fr. Robert Taft’s Through Their Own Eyes: Liturgy as the Byzantines Saw It;

my double-decker review of Adrian Murdoch’s The Last Pagan: Julian the Apostate and the Death of the Ancient World and The Last Roman: Romulus Augustulus and the Decline of the West;

and my triple-decker review of J. Budziszewski’s Ask Me Anything: Provocative Answers for College Students, John Waiss’s Couples in Love: Straight Talk on Dating, Respect, Commitment, Marriage, and Sexuality and Father Thomas Morrow’s Christian Courtship In An Oversexed World.

Touchstone runs several of my short reviews every month and usually one of my long reviews as well. They don’t even post half of them on the website. So please consider a subscription!

3 thoughts on “Review the Reviews

  1. I do have one and it is a wonderful periodical. But you are going to break my bank with all these reviews. Who is the saint for those who over-spend on books?

  2. Wouldn’t it be St. Jerome, who took his library into the desert?

  3. No, it would definitely be St. Ephiphanius, who said: “The acquisition of Christian books is necessary for those who can use them. For the mere sight of these books renders us less inclined to sin, and incites us to believe more firmly in righteousness.”

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